Progress Monitoring


I have a question for anyone who works with deaf/hard of hearing students with self-advocacy goals on their IEPs.  Our state recently required that all IEP goals be progress monitored 7-10 times per quarter.  This is easy to do with many types of goals but not so easy for self-advocacy goals.

For goals related to wearing and managing hearing aids, cochlear implants and FM systems a chart can be used for the student to check off on a daily basis.

File Mar 11, 9 26 13 AM
I love these mini clipboards!

But for a goal such as “The student will self-select appropriate preferential seating for the on 4/5 occasions.”

OR  “The student will use a variety of unspecified and specified ways to request clarification when information is not understood on 4/5 occasions.”

OR “The student will independently advocate for her accommodations on 4/5 occasions ”

For most of my self-advocacy-only students, I see them 3-6 times per quarter for pull-out services and 2-3 sessions in the regular education classroom.  Previously, I combined what I observed with the teacher’s feedback to get my data for quarterly progress reports.  But, I am at a loss as to how to get 7-10 data points.

One idea I had was to ask a different teacher each week using art, music, PE, special ed, etc for elementary students and then academic subject teachers for secondary students.

If anyone has any other ideas, please send them in and thank you!

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